An Introduction

Historically, I have issues with perfection.

If I can’t nail something right off the bat, if the attempt is flawed, I’ll drop it. Over the years I’ve let my obsessiveness turn me into a quitter – “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right” taken to extremes. Eventually, it kept me from trying at all, unwilling to move forward for fear of failing. If I’m completely honest, it’s A Real Damn Problem.

So this blog is the result of a few things. First, it’s a bit of an exercise in accepting that things don’t have to be perfect all at once. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I’ve been away from it for awhile and writing for an audience is a whole different beast. This is an idea that’ll probably begin in fits and starts. But I need to make peace with “practice makes perfect”.

And second: I’ve always been happiest when at home. Getting me to go out past 8:00 PM is like pulling teeth, and somewhere with a crowd? HARD PASS. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking of ways to make my place feel like the home I’ve always wanted, so why not put my love of the domestic to good use? (And of course, any blog name would really have to encapsulate what a giant lazy introvert I am.)

Creating a home is a process, piecemeal and gradual. The same could be said of this project, too.

So: hi! I’m Robin, a 29 year old International Relations grad, lover of pop culture, and giant nerd. I’m going to share with you all the things I’ve found that can make a house — or a condo, an apartment, a room — feel like a home. It might be a décor idea, a recipe or some DIY, or a nice cocktail to pair with a good book. Also, because it’s my damn blog, I might occasionally throw in something else altogether.

Thanks for coming!